Reasons For Mexillence:
1. Led Mexican people toward independence from oppressive Spanish government.
2. Sought to improve society through avenues beyond his profession (as a Catholic priest).
3. Sacrificed his life in order to preserve equality in society.
During the 201st birthday of Mexico, President Felipe Calderon waved the Mexican flag and gave the traditional "grito." During his shout, Calderon reminded citizens of several of the leaders from the revolution.
Even though the event itself does not directly influence society, the celebration reminded several individuals of the original date. On September 16, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo led mestizos and indigenous people to declare independence from the oppressive Spanish government. You may ask, how is this anything special? How does this contribute to society?
Almost any revolution affects society in a positive way. In general, revolutions result when governments oppress their citizens. In New Spain (now Mexico), the Spanish government created vast differences between the wealthy and the poor. Moreover, mestizo and indigenous people were often marginalized for the benefit of the Spanish.
As a Catholic priest, Hidalgo witnessed the abuse from the Spanish government in their American territory. Eventually, he led a group of people to overthrow Spanish rule and establish a new government. Hidalgo and his group of revolutionaries removed the Spanish aristocracy and established what became the Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) or simply, Mexico. Although Mexico still suffers from injustice, Hidalgo began a revolution that at least liberated the Mexican people from an oppressive regime.
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