Saturday, September 24, 2011

Selena Gomez: Commercial Success

Selena Gomez

Reasons For Mexillence:

1. Pursued professional goals since a young age.

2. Maintains commercial success in music.

3. Serves as a positive example for the youth.

Recent Success:

During the summer Selena Gomez & The Scene released their 3rd studio album. Although she is only 19-years-old, Selena Gomez has had and continues to have commercial success with her music. "When The Sun Goes Down" has maintained top-10 postions in several countries, such as in the United States, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Belgium, and Norway.

Aurelio Lopez: From Senor Smoke To Municipal President

Aurelio "Senor Smoke" Lopez
Reasons For Mexillence:

1. Pursued a political career to improve socity to the best of his ability.

2. Achieved several noticeable accomplishments as a pitcher in Major League Baseball.

3. Serves as an example for others that consider switching careers in order to improve society.

The birthday of Aurelio Lopez was a few days ago on September 21, 2011. Although he passed away in 1992, Lopez achieved several accomplishments in both the athletic and political arenas.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Victor Ortiz: Remaining A Mexican-American Gentleman And Hero

Victor Ortiz (in white in the video)

Reasons For Mexillence:

1. Overcame a dysfunctional family and economic situation in order to attain and defend the WBC welterweight title.

2. Immediately and publicly apologized after committing a mistake.

3. Accepted responsibility for the repercussions of his mistakes.

Event Itself:

On Saturday night Victor Ortiz entered the anticipated bout with Floyd Mayweather Jr. The fight appeared even through the fourth round. However, Ortiz made a mistake and headbutted Mayweather near the conclusion of the fourth round. Immediately after the headbutt, Ortiz recognized his mistake and apologized to Mayweather.

Miguel Hidalgo: Leading Mexico Through Perseverance

Reasons For Mexillence:

1. Led Mexican people toward independence from oppressive Spanish government.

2. Sought to improve society through avenues beyond his profession (as a Catholic priest).

3. Sacrificed his life in order to preserve equality in society.

During the 201st birthday of Mexico, President Felipe Calderon waved the Mexican flag and gave the traditional "grito." During his shout, Calderon reminded citizens of several of the leaders from the revolution.

Even though the event itself does not directly influence society, the celebration reminded several individuals of the original date. On September 16, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo led mestizos and indigenous people to declare independence from the oppressive Spanish government. You may ask, how is this anything special? How does this contribute to society?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mexico Is Almost 201 Years-Old!

Have you ever wondered what other current events or people are affecting Mexican culture aside from the drug cartels? The answer is similar to all other cultures. Countless events and persons from Mexican culture continually contribute to society.

The following blogs will describe several events and individuals currently contributing to the improvement of society that are related to Mexican culture.

As we approach Friday, Mexico will celebrate its 101st birthday. The next few blogs will describe some specific events and individuals from the Mexican Revolution and insight about their effects on society.